facebook Who can sell a CPD - Carnet De Passages


Who can sell a CPD Image

It is an international customs declaration identifying the vehicle crossing country borders on its route. This action of crossing borders consequently may imply several temporary importations throughout the journey.

How to drive abroad with your own car or bike?

The video will inform you what is an FIA / AIT Carnet De Passages En Douane, or CPD (often called a Trip Ticket in the Middle East). CPD is like a passport for your car.

Who can sell a Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD)?

CPD is an official product distributed and administered 
by the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT) and Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and can only be issued
by AIT/FIA automobile clubs
 and authorized distributors
in the five continents.

Beware of resellers of unsecured CPDs: even though the look 
of those papers may be similar
to the AIT/FIA CPDs, they don’t offer the same level of safety, guarantee and benefits that
an AIT/FIA CPD does.

Who can sell a Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD)?
CPD FeatureOfficialFake
Recognized & accepted in the five continentsYesNo
Once issued, a CPD will remain valid until the expiry date due to global insurance covering customs duties & taxesYesNo
Ensures smooth border crossingYesNo
CPD validity period can be extended in the country of temporary importYes (T&C apply)No
Can be replaced in another country in case of loss or theftYes (by any AIT/FIA
member, T&C apply)
Customs claims handlingEasily resolved thanks
to the application of
the provisions of the
Conventions and
an international
insurance coverage
Often remain