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AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

Carnet de Passages en Douane

How to Enquire

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

The Overlander: CPD Stories

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

Carnet de Passages en Douane

How to Enquire

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

Carnet de Passages en Douane

How to Enquire

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

Ride Your Own Bike Across Borders With Peace of Mind

How to Enquire

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

Drive Your Own Car Across Borders With Peace of Mind

How to Enquire

AIT/FIA CPD can only be issued for a vehicle with valid road registration and in the country of vehicle registration.

To know where and how to enquire, follow the below steps:

1. Select the country of your vehicle registration.

2. Find contact details of the official AIT/FIA CPD-issuing organization in the country.

3. Fill out the form/s providing basic details about your vehicle and travel destination.

4. Receive email or call from a customer service representative of AIT/FIA CPD-issuing member with all the information about application for a CPD.

Instantly get an overview of the CPD status worldwide with the official CPD Trip Planner

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How to drive abroad with your own car or bike?

The video will inform you what is an FIA / AIT Carnet De Passages En Douane, or CPD (often called a Trip Ticket in the Middle East). CPD is like a passport for your car.

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Contact the official Automobile Association in your country to apply for your CPD by just clicking the button below.

Your Automobile Association will provide you with expert guidance and all information you need as well as the mandatory forms to be filled in to get your CPD.
How to apply
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Only AIT/FIA automobile associations and appointed organisations can issue genuine CPD.

230 organisations in 124 countries worldwide. Beware of those agencies that issue unsecured documents, you may find problems later.
How to apply
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It is an international customs declaration identifying the vehicle crossing country borders on its route. This action of crossing borders consequently may imply several temporary importations throughout the journey.

It is also the internationally-recognized guarantee of the payment of any customs duties and import taxes chargeable if the vehicle is not re-exported or if any other problem arises.
How to apply
Overlander: Latest CPD stories
Overlander: Latest CPD stories

Welcome to the FIA’s Overlander: a blog dedicated to sharing personal stories from Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) holders about their travels.

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